Menus - How Show Daily Menus in the Mobile App

Please not this is for the menu that appears in the What's on the Menu section of the mobile app and is updated daily. The good news is that there are two ways to do this, one is more pleasant and one is less pleasant! 

The more pleasant route is if you use a third party site to display your menu, we are able to link this tab to that menu. Thus, all you have to do is contact Support and give the team the URL for your campus. If you do not have a website for this you will unfortunately have to go through the slightly less pleasant path.

Please see steps below.

Step 1: The mobile app menu can be uploaded to a special program that will automatically send it to the Eatable app. This program can be downloaded by searching "Filezilla" on Google.

The URL for their website is:

Once you download this program, please use the following details to login:


Username:  Please reach out to to receive this information.

key:   Please reach out to to receive this information.

Note: There are two ways to go about set up. First, we can generate a username and password for you and pass it on. However, the preferred solution is that you generate a private key based off of a public key pairing.

In order to generate a username for you, you have to first generate a private/public key pairing. You will then send us that public key and we will add it to the server in order to ensure you're able to get access.

port: 22

Step 2: Open the folder which is called mobile_app_menu, this is where the menu should be uploaded. For an example of the exact format you should follow please see the menu_template.csv file located in this same folder.

IMPORTANT: The template will provide context on the exact format that should be followed. Any changes to the file, including deleting empty columns, will result in a failed upload. Make sure you do not add any spaces after you type in a word into each column. This will prevent entries from coming up more than once.

Also, please only add data to the rows: Menu Day, Menu line, and Recipe Name. Leave the other columns empty as it will cause the import to fail.

Step 3The final menu uploaded must be called menu.csv, naming it anything else will cause the import to fail. This will be done through the mobile_app_menu folder. Any other files will be disregarded. This file should be uploaded once a week if you wish to keep updating the menu. 

Please note: When uploading new menus on a week to week basis you can either overwrite the menu from the previous week or you can just upload another file because our script pulls the menu based on recency so it will pull the latest one.

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