Credit Card Terminal (Nōwn POS) - First Data Terminal Troubleshooting
These are troubleshooting steps for the First Data iPP320 Terminal
If you have a Clover terminal please click here.
All devices in your POS ecosystem (tablet, credit card terminal, printer) need to be on the same network. If any device is on a different network, the POS will not function correctly. Once you add the same IP for all devices to the POS the problem should be resolved. Please note that if the router was reset or factory restored then the printer (maybe) and terminal (most likely) will not be configured in the app properly.
Please follow each of the troubleshooting steps below until the issue is resolved. After you complete each step, try a test transaction to check if the problem is resolved.
Step 1. Make sure that the right station is open.
- You need to make sure that you have opened the correct POS station. You can check what POS station you've opened by looking at the top of the home screen.
- If you're on a station other than the one that you usually open, please log out and then log in with the correct station login. If you open the wrong station the credit card terminal and printer won't work.
Step 2. Check your internet connection
- Is there internet in your store? If the internet is down, contact your internet provider. Also check to see if the router is plugged in, often times it could be unplugged by accident.
- Is your iPad connected to the correct network and is there a connection? It is very important that your tablet does not connect to an alternate network. Further, you may be connected to the internet but there may be no connection, please open a browser on the tablet and go to to conduct an internet speed test. If the speed is 0 it means that there is no connection.
Step 3) Ensure that the Semi Integrated is turned ON. If Semi Integrated is set to OFF the device will not work.
To do this please follow the instructions below:
a) Press the [.,#*] button
b) Click on Misc Options (9)
c) Press 1 for Semi - Integrated
d) Press 1 for Enable Semi Integrated
e) F1 to select the ON option
Step 4: Confirming Network Details
4a) Finding the IP Address and Port Number
a) Press the [.,#*] button
b) Click on Misc Options (9)
c) Press 1 for Semi - Integrated
d) Select Communication Type (2)
e) Select Ethernet (4)
f) The Terminal Port # will be shown at the bottom of the screen, the IP address will be shown at the top of the screen above the "Enter Terminal Port" text.
g) If the port number is not shown please enter 5555.
Ensure you carefully write down the IP address as it will be used in the next step.
Note: The default log in credentials are usually one of the options below:
Admin Name: 1
Admin Password:
4b) Configure Nōwn.
- Open the Nōwn POS app.
- Log in using a manager log in.
- Tap on Set Up.
- Then tap on the Stations section. This will show you a list of stations at the top of the page. Hold the cursor over any part of the a that shows station information. A pencil icon will appear to the right of the screen, tap on the icon
- Scroll down to the bottom of the Edit Station menu and make sure the information here matches exactly what you saw in the Terminal settings:
- Card Terminal IP Address - Make sure the IP address is an exact match
- Card Terminal Port - 5555 - Make sure that this is the same port number shown on the terminal
- Card Terminal Type - First Data
Remember to save changes at the bottom of your page!
Step 5: Confirming the Tablet Network.
- Open Google and in your browser and go to
- Check to see if the IP address before the last period matches up with the IP of the printer. Example: vs and vs If not, this means that you are not on the right wifi network. If you don’t know the name of your wifi or your wifi is not set up, please refer to your router instructions or contact your internet service provider.
- To fix this issue make sure that the printer is connected via ethernet to the same router that the tablet is connected to.
Advanced Troubleshooting - If none of the steps above work you may have a firewall at your campus that prevents two devices on the same network from communicating with each other. If you do have a firewall that was set up by your IT department please reach out to them.